Someone had to orchestrate this presentation for them to have made such outlandish decisions so quickly.
Let's see.
You want them excited, but not thinking too clearly. This is not a time for real leadership. This is an opportunity.
Who would you choose to give the presentation? A dour banker type would just offend Rudd. They guy would look and sound too much like Rudd himself. No, you choose a woman.
Rudd has shown he likes women with ample bust. So, a tall blonde. Tight skirt. Heels. She'd appear in a very businesslike suit. A woman that walks like a man even in heels. It may sound impossible, but aussie women can march like troupers in heels.
Yes. That would keep them excited and just enough concentration to hear what was going to be said.
The women would feel intimidated. The men would be looking at her curves. Her demeanor would keep them all guessing. And keeping their eyes off her curves would be just the right distraction for all.
Now, what's she gonna say?
"Mr Rudd, as you know, over 65% of the Australian GNP is consumer spending. We talk up the resources sector as much as we can, but it's really only 15% of the GNP. Australia really doesn't have an agricultural or manufacturing sector of consequence compared to the consumer sector."
(Pause. Give them all a chance to nod knowingly and let their fantasies subside a little.)
"Consecutive administrations came to realize that Australia had one real resource of any consequence: Land."
"Most land in Australia would be considered prime real estate in other countries. So much of it is near business centres and the beaches, there was a lot to work with."
"The Australian consumer sector is financed by inflated land prices and building. Building creates new jobs. Good paying jobs that don't require a great deal of training."
"Profitable sales create new wealth which is then recycled through the economy as consumer spending. That consumer spending is leveraged as credit. Credit cards. Personal loans. All based on higher and higher mortgages on rapidly increasing real estate sales."
(Again pause. This is news to some around the table. The Australian capacity for denial is astounding.)
"The Howard administration saw the power of consumer spending. It keeps people happy to feel they have money in their pockets. That happiness translates into purchases of all sorts."
"To support the creation of weatlth from real estate, the Howard administration offered all sorts of incentives. Investment property tax breaks fueled new land purchases. The first home buyer grants allowed families to buy property they couldn't otherwise afford."
"When the property went up in value, the new equity was used to buy investment property. - And the cycle continued."
"In addition, in order to support the ensuing inflation, the Howard government increased the direct payments to consumers."
"In fact, even as the GNP doubled, the Howard administration paid more and more. Within two years, direct payments had tripled as a percentage of the GNP. Mr Howard wisely maintained this level throughout his 11 years in office."
"Of course, direct payments from government to consumers is always inflationary, but that was the goal of the Howard government. Mr Howard was seeking to pay off the debts of previous administrations by inflating his way out of them."
"He succeeded. Soon the government was in surplus. - Which always sounds good to the public, as you know." (Wry smile. Let those sharp blue eyes roam the room gurl...)
She's got them in the palm of her hand.
A fly on the wall would see all the little political minds whirling madly, thinking of how to make this information into political capital.
"Mr Howard never had to fear raising taxes, or any other decision in his term of government because of the increasing wealth at all levels in the country. People were happy. The quality of life was better. They could see a bright, wealthy future for themselves and their children."
"Anyone who dared to say it wouldn't happen was dismissed quickly. Such people were said to be either lazy or stupid. Or just living too well on the dole. -- As the Americans say it: 'It's the economy, stupid.' "
(Pause. Let it all sink in. Faces reveal silently the jealousy.)
"Australia created jobs from land. Those jobs created other jobs. Working people were happy and their wealth increased as though they were financial geniuses."
"And all those jobs meant taxes at all levels of government which in turn could be spent on new infrastructure and education. Australia could afford to train millions into new skills and professions."
(A quick pause looking at the Prime Minister, whose wife made her fortune from the training programs.)
"As you can see, Australia can ill afford to let this process cease."
"Japan is a case in point. The opposite of inflation is deflation. The Japanese economy slipped into a deflationary spiral in the 1990's. Prices lowered. There was no sense in buying a new home today since it would cost less next month. Japan slipped from the second largest economy to the 16th, even lower than Australia in GNP."
"Growth, and controlled inflation, is the only direction for Australia."
(Long pause. Letting it all sink in. And watching the nervous eyes around the room as ministers squirm in their seats. - They know they're caught like fish in a net.)
"Mr Rudd, and all ministers present, Australia must guarantee all bank deposits." (A quick assessment around the room)
"And further, Australia must guarantee all loans between banks."
"Australia must save Australia to preserve the lifestyle of ordinary citizens."
"Mr Rudd, further, Australia must increase the federal subsidy for new home buyers. We cannot let builders stop building, Mr Rudd. Those jobs are vital to the economy."
"If we let home values decrease, it will destroy the banking system and the future of all Australians."
(She's got to take a long breath here. Her breasts heave, pressing into her blouse and suit jacket. That was the real kill stroke: tying the health of the banks to the well-being of every Australian. - But a quick look around the room is reassuring: They all seem to agree.)
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